Saturday, June 20, 2009

Fathersday in America - The Ensign and Lothar on the road

Here we are - driving across our great country to drop off the ensign's car in Oakland.

Our trusted companion:

Pumping gas kept us entertained:

Day 2: from Iowa to Omaha

On our way West, we visited Kay and his family.

Day 3: Omaha to Grand Junction

Day 4: Grand Junction to Moab

We arrived in Moab around noon and after a brief lunch with a "Derailleur Ale" we took a spin on the BarM loop and O loop trail.

Slickrock riding

Day 5: Riding the Slickrock trail

Father and son on Fathers Day. We did some family-style cycling on "Slickrock Trail" and the "Hurray Trail". Afterwards we had a late lunch, which we washed down with a "Polygamy Porter". Apparently their fitting logo is "Why have just one?"

Zach riding the slickrock trail:

Day 6: Moab to Salt Lake City

Day 7: Salt Lake City to Reno